Tuesday 4 October 2011



Kaitlyn and AJ are out first for the Divas match followed by The Bella Twins who are rocking some new ring attire. Brie and Kaitlyn start things off. Kaitlyn turns her attention to Nikki who is standing on the ring apron as Brie kicks her in the stomach. Both the Bellas start talking trash to her as Kaitlyn gets Brie on her shoulder and drives her into the corner where AJ is. She picks Brie up and slams her down hard to the mat and tags in AJ. Kaitlyn picks up AJ and slams her down hard on top of Brie and AJ goes for the pin. Brie kicks out at a two count. Brie get to her feet and tries to fight back but meets a drop kick from AJ. AJ then tags Kaitlyn back in and Kaitlyn Irish wips her into the corner into Brie. Kaitlyn picks up Brie and drops her onto her back first onto her knee. Kaitlyn goes for the pin but Brie kicks out at two. Nikki is also in the ring to break up the pinfall. Kaitlyn chases her out of the ring as Brie attacks her from behind. Brie then throws Kaitlyn out of the ring to Nikki and with the referee’s back turned, Nikki taks advantage by slamming Kaitlyn into the ring apron. Brie comes out of the ring and throws Kaitlyn back in again. As Kaitlyn is against the second rope, Brie starts to choke her. As the referee pulls Brie away, Nikki hits Kaitlyn with a hard kick to the back of the head. Brie taunts Kaitlyn before tagging Nikki in. The Bella double team Kaitlyn by throwing her hard into the corner. Nikki tags in Brie and they do it again. Nikki is tagged back into the match and climbs to the second rope. Brie throws Kaitlyn into the waiting knee’s of Nikki and gets out of the ring. Nikki gets down onto the mat and mocks Kaitlyn before kicking her hard. Nikki wraps her body around Kaitlyn in a submission hold. Kaitlyn gets to her feet with Nikki still on her back and slams her into the corner in an appempt to get her off. Kaitlyn spins Nikki round and turns it into a sidewalk slam. Nikki tries to hit Kaitlyn with a clothesline but misses and Kaitlyn gets the tag on AJ. Aj climbs to the top rope and hits Nikki with a crossbody. Followed up with a hard clothesline. Aj then dropkicks Brie from the apron and hits Nikki with a roundhouse kick. AJ then goes for a pinfall but Brie comes in and breaks it up. Kaitlyn comes into the ring and takes out Brie. AJ appempts to attack Nikki but she misses. Nikki hits her with aBellaBuster and pins her in the middle of the ring for the three count.